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Brenda Galloway Gonzales

Brenda Galloway
Residing In: Fenton, MI USA
Homepage: www.exchangeforchange.org

WOW forty – years--a blink of the eye in the matter of time and space. The challenging journey down life’s highway toward educating oneself, marriage, children and grandchildren seemed to be about the most demanding performance an individual could do. But, the rest of my journey has just begun. By eschewing the materialistic confines of existence I minimized my life and have begun traveling to developing countries to help communities recognize their capacity for sustaining a better quality of life.
Don’t get me wrong. This is not totally altruistic because I am receiving something in return -- an understanding of the divergent worldviews that exist between western and developing societies.
Subsequent to returning from South Africa (Peace Corps Volunteer 2002) I started a 501 (c) 3, Organization for Cross-Cultural Exchange (OCCE). This all-inclusive volunteer organization has initiated partnerships with Kettering University’s student chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and Michigan State University’s Institute of International Agricultural. In October 2008 we will return to the village of Vukuzenzele, South Africa to assess the needs of this rural village with the ultimate goal of implementing water, sanitation and agricultural programs. OCCE is committed to addressing the needs of Vukuzenzele while protecting and preserving the cultural uniqueness of the community.
Please visit OCCE’s website www.exchangeforchange.org to understand the full extent of this organization.
Take Care
